Abraham Bolden: Witness to Secret Service negligence and the Chicago JFK Assassination plot

Abraham Bolden was serving in the Anti-counterfeiting division of the Secret Service when a chance assignment to guard JFK led him into a world of intrigue. At this assignment, JFK chatted with Bolden and offered him a job in his personal Secret Service detail. The time served working for JFK gave Bolden a unique insight on how the president was actually protected in the months/years prior to his assassination.  He wrote an interesting book about his time in the Secret Service.(link below)

Bolden was not in Dallas for the JFK assassination. Sometime afterwards, he ran afoul of the JFK conspirators in our government by publicly stating the following in an effort to get the info to the Warren Commission (not knowing like we do today that it was a whitewash from day one) :

-many Secret Service agents drank heavily, caroused and often partied (including in Dallas) while on duty against agency policy and that one or more agents may have lost their ID badges while partying

-there was an aborted plot against JFK in Chicago a few weeks prior to his Dallas assassination and that this info was not passed on to appropriate law authorities in Dallas

-the fact that the Secret Service recalled, and re-issued all badges and ID credentials at the end of 1963 in an unprecedented move(This implies that the Agency knew that its old IDs were compromised by the conspirators in the JFK assassination of a month prior.)

From here, Bolden stated that his co-workers at the Secret Service framed him for bribe solicitation using perjured testimony from one of Sam Giancana’s distant underlings in an effort to discredit him for speaking out. The author then described his two trial ordeal at the hands of a crooked Chicago judge who aided in the prosecution’s exaggerated/perjured case against him.

Ultimately, Mr. Bolden was sentenced to a six year prison sentence after the personal and financial ruin of two trials. He described his prison days in which he was threatened by other inmates and force fed powerful medications from the prison psychiatrists in an effort to dull his wits and memories of Secret Service negligence.

Bolden stated that he eventually came up with a way of regurgitating the pills and flushing them away after his medicators left him in order to keep his mind sharp. Ultimately, one of Bolden’s major oppressors within the prison hierarchy took his own life during a domestic dispute, allowing a break in the author’s suppression. The author was eventually sent back to general population where he could serve the remainder of his sentence in relative peace. From here, Bolden served out his sentence and actually picked up the pieces of his shattered life afterwards as sympathetic people remembered his legal railroading and helped him find work in spite of his prison record.

The Relevance of Abraham Bolden’s testimony:

JFK’s schedule was very fluid back in November 1963. It wasn’t a sure thing that he would go to Dallas for a visit until weeks beforehand. Accordingly, the CIA/FBI & their Organized Crime associates made sure that there would be available ‘patsies’ in other cities besides Dallas to take the blame if JFK was killed in Chicago, Tampa or Miami, etc. They apparently had another ‘lone nut,’ ‘expert marksman’ dupe name Thomas Arthur Vallee all lined up in Chicago to take the fall for killing JFK two weeks before the successful hit in Dallas.

Many people ran to the Grassy Knoll area after JFK’s head was blown off. There they encountered a suspicious suspect there who placated them with Secret Service credentials. Additionally, many motorcade bystanders reported that men claiming to be Secret Service Agents with authentic-looking (counterfeited) credentials confiscated their camera film in the moments after the assassination. Unfortunately, the Secret Service officially stated that there were no genuine, legitimate, Secret Service agents on the scene until 20+ minutes after the assassination as they had all gone with JFK’s limo to the hospital. This means that the bogus, film-confiscating agents were part of the conspiracy and getting rid of the evidence afterwards.

The phony conspirator pretending to be a Secret Service agent was later identified as Bernard Barker, a man who would go on to further infamy later as one of the convicted Watergate burglars.   His role was likely to keep the Grassy Knoll/picket fence area clear of curious civilians for the shooters there before the assassination.  After the shooting, his delaying of the onrushing crowd allowed the shooters more time to escape the area unmolested.

2009 Obituary of Bernard Barker, phony Secret Service Agent during the JFK Assassination, and Watergate burglar:


Accordingly, Abraham Bolden would become part of a long list of honest, patriotic witnesses who would either have to be co-opted, bribed, blackmailed, threatened, jailed, institutionalized or killed to prevent the truth from getting out there. Thankfully, this honest, patriotic, American’s story made it to the surface and adds to the ever-growing mass of factual JFK assassination knowledge.

A Video About the Back-up patsies for Oswald if JFK couldn’t be assassinated in Dallas:

book links below: