David Sanchez Morales: the CIA’s thug of many faces & link between the JFK & RFK assassinations

David Sanchez Morales montage

David Sanchez Morales montage

‘That no good son of a bitch motherf*****!’ He started yelling about what a wimp Kennedy was and talking about how he had worked on the Bay of Pigs and how he had to watch all the men he had recruited and trained get wiped out because of Kennedy…he added: “Well, we took care of that son of a bitch, didn’t we?”‘ David Sanchez Morales’ friend Ruben Carbajal, Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation, 1993. 

‘Mrs. Ruby Henderson, saw two men standing back from a window on one of the upper floors of the Book Depository…one of the men “had dark hair…a darker complexion than the other.” At the time, it occurred to her that he might have been a Mexican…Mrs. Henderson saw the two men less than six minutes before the assassination.’ – Anthony Summers, Conspiracy, 1991.


David Sanchez Morales was a CIA man of many places and many different faces.  He was of Mexican and Native American descent and could pass himself off as someone from numerous ethnic groups.   After making a name for himself in assisting in CIA backed coup efforts in Guatemala and Venezuela, Mr. Sanchez Morales moved to the Miami area to work on the CIA’s efforts to overthrow Fidel Castro from Cuba.  He ran in circles with top CIA spooks such as David Atlee Phillips, Tom Clines, Ted Shackley, William Harvey and E. Howard Hunt during these missions and was credited for his amoral tenacity,  ‘If the Agency needed someone action-oriented, he was at the top of the list. If the U.S. government as a matter of policy needed someone or something neutralized, Dave would do it, including things that were repugnant to a lot of people.

Sanchez Morales and the CIA trained many Cuban exiles for the failed 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion.  JFK inherited the on-going Cuban intrigues when he took office in January 1961.   He was not on board with many of the reckless, provocative tactics of the CIA in regards to Castro and called off air support for this raid, factoring into the deaths of more than 100 Cuban exiles and the capture of 1200 more men that Sanchez Morales had personally trained.  Evidently, David Sanchez Morales never forgot this slight and could rationalize his role in the JFK assassination as getting even for JFK getting his soldiers killed.  This suspect meets the description of the dark skinned Latin that Air Force Sgt. Robert G. Vinson saw boarding his flight along with Oswald impostor, Billy Seymour, in the hours after the JFK assassination.

Moments prior to the JFK assassination, ‘an elderly negro’ (likely dark complexioned David Sanchez Morales) was seen on the 6th Floor of the Texas School Book Depository with a rifle by witnesses Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rowland:

After the assassination witnesses reported seeing Oswald picked up by a ‘negro’ in a station wagon which belonged to Ruth Paine, Oswald’s landlady and CIA-affiliated babysitter.  This was David Sanchez Morales picking the real Oswald up to drop him off at his other Dallas rooming house so that he might be killed there by conspirators Roscoe White, J.D. Tippit and Billy Seymour.  Mrs. Paine would go on to be the Warren Commission whitewash’s star witness against ‘lone nut’ Oswald!  Additionally, her husband Michael Paine, was  a higher-up at Bell Helicopter which profited mightily from the Vietnam War which Kennedy did not want.

Finally, in recent years allegations have surfaced that David Sanchez Morales was also on the scene at the RFK assassination in 1968.  One industrious researcher looked over all the available film of that evening in a search for Mr. Sanchez Morales in the crowd overseeing that particular Kennedy assassination plot.  On that Kennedy killing assignment,  a crooked security guard likely killed RFK and a low IQ’d simpleton with a major gambling debt took the fall as patsy.



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